
Thursday, April 7, 2011 update of the latest and greatest!

A Book of Spring (repeat) this Sunday, April 10th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm ($35.00) with Brenda Shetman.  Did you miss the last class when it was offered?  Well, don't get too excited, because this makeup session is officially full, too. HOWEVER, if enough folks are interested, Nancy and Brenda might be able to schedule another session offering this exquisite Springtime book project.  Click here for pictures.  Prepare to be dazzled!  Call Nancy today at CP2 and let her know you're interested.

New Blog Stuff...notice anything different about the blog?  I've added a full calendar offering class information at a glance.  Click on the class title and you'll see the full class name, the instructor, date, and fee.  I've also added a new tab for Upcoming Classes featuring a sneak peak at what's around the corner in the classroom.  Stay tuned...more new features to come!

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