Class Calendar

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Class: Make a Scene with Your Copics w/ Cheryl Valadez

Join me Saturday afternoon and we'll stretch our Copics by using them to "create a scene" around simple images.  The Penny Black kitty by himself looks adrift in a sea of white, but with a few simple techniques we'll add ground, grass, sky and even a halo effect to make him pop.  We'll go on to add him to a card, so you can take home a finished project.

In addition, we'll play with other images to practice these techniques and more, including a creative "dotty" background and an even simpler cloud background.

Please remember to bring your Copics, but be sure to have your name on them so that the ones you bring are the same ones that make it home with you.  Colors we'll be using for the Penny Black card are-  kitty C5, C3, C1,C0, R20, R000 sky B0000, B000, B41, C1, C00 grass G94, G24, G21, G20 ground E57, E37, E31, E50 balloon R29, R24, R22, R20 halo B01, B000, B0000 and the Colorless Blender.  However, we'll be coloring other images for practice, so bring your favorite skin tones (mine are E11, E00, E000, R20) some good hair color combos, and your favorite colors for clothing.  

July 30th, Saturday:  1:00pm - 4:00pm (class fee is $25.00)       

1 comment:

  1. WAAAA!!!! I want to go. What a deal just $25. You are AWESOME!
